Beginner/Beg-Inter Level: 

We aimed at providing a more personalized and tailored approach to accommodate the varying levels of our adult students. Our Beginner class is split into two levels to enhance your dance experience

Adult Ballet Beginner 1 - perfect for those with little to no experience, offering a totally beginner-friendly, slow-paced class.

Adult Ballet Beginner 2 - caters to those with some experience, engaging in simple ballet exercises within a faster-paced environment suitable for individuals who can quickly grasp choreographies.

The course focuses on simple, fundamental ballet positions and exercises, including barre and centre work which covers physical conditioning, with an emphasis on body alignment, basic stretching, and stamina-building exercises.

Students will explore how to incorporate movement with music and work their way towards accomplishing simplified dance moves. 

Depending on the class level (Beg/Beg-Inter), lessons will include barre exercises, center work and across the floor combinations. As you progress to Intermediate level, routines become more and faster paced. You will be trained to pick up choreography quicker and execute them confidently. 

Intermediate level

The Intermediate ballet class is a course that allows our adult dancers to gain more experience in learning some of the more exciting stunts! Students will be trained to execute higher jumps and engage in faster choreography. Your sense of coordination, flexibility and stamina will be fine tuned as you proceed to perform some of the more demanding dance moves in ballet. If you are looking for a bit of a challenge the Intermediate course is just the class for you!

Students will need to have 2-3 years worth of dancing experience to join this program.

Our instructors may also permit you to join this program according to your class progress & commitment.

Advanced level 

Our Advanced class is the ultimate course for dancers looking on to build their physical abilities. This program allows students to master some of the most intricate and impressive ballet dance moves. Students are expected to have a good sense of technique and incorporate them to some of the most challenging moves such as high extension of the legs and Grand Allegro etc. 

Students signing up will need to have a minimum 5 years of dancing experience with/or our instructors advice & approval for you to join this program.

Floor Barre and Basic

Our Floor Barre & Basic course is based on daily ballet routines that start with slow movements before picking up the pace over time to progressively strengthen key muscles that will be supplemental in mastering correct techniques. Classes are designed to be accessible to all, making them beginner-friendly and effective in toning the body. 

Floor barre not only focuses on speed and control, but repetition as well to actively coordinate individual body parts. Perfect for conditioning, dancers also lay on yoga mats for our instructors to bring awareness to muscles that are highly beneficial across various ballet techniques and styles (in regular ballet classes, en pointe, and more). It can even be practiced as a rehabilitation program for certain injuries.

Beyond this course, you will be equipped with a deeper understanding and appreciation of the intricacies demanded from our bodies in relation to each exercise in any ballet class, adding another fundamental layer of quality to your ballet.